Monday, January 30, 2006

What if I were gone?

And I knew we shared a common aim...the E minored synergy pushed at the spur of this love, at the rush hour of the shuttle who rubbed my belly along the mediterranean.
Creeping(fall) back on my hidden ace up to my sleeve...my Eminored Energy, in Mallor-K to dive in Tedesci-land...and after refilling up the running empty ink jar, fleet back with my 33 crews of 33-crewed fleas, back to the straw that hosts me...right in the hole where we embraced and snogged and howisyourfather...right back to you!.
David Boanl.(Es así!)
El texto ha sido retocado, la tradución ha sido realizada pot www.freetranslation.com, con unos pequeños retoques. Me ha parecido bastante acertada, con lo cual me parece bonita:
Y si no estuviese? "Y supe que compartíamos un objetivo común. sinergia de E minored ..empujada por las prisas de este valor, en la hora punta del transbordador que frotó mi vientre por el mediterráneo. Guardando mi as, escondido bajo my manga. my Energía de E minored .. en Mallor-K para zambullirse en pueblo aleman...y después de rellenar el frasco vacío de tinta, parto de vuelta con mis 33 tripulaciones de 33 pulgas cada una, de vuelta a la paja que me acoge. ..justo en el hoyo donde (nos) abrazamos y sobamos/metemos mano y howisyourfather!. directo de vuelta a tí!"
And I knew we shared a common aim...the E minored synergy pushed at the spur of this love, at the rush hour of the shuttle who rubbed my belly along the mediterranean.
Creeping(fall) back on my hidden ace up to my sleeve...my Eminored Energy, in Mallor-K to dive in Tedesci-land...and after filling up the running empty ink jar, fleet back with my 33-crew of fleas, back to the straw that hosts me...right in the hole where we embraced and snodged and howisyourfather...right back to you!.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

At the end of the day

The Guinea Pigs...Joy in our scene...and at the end of the day-
your face what I long for
the joyful grace into this wet ink
I blanked it out, save my errors
you're the duchess on my board
In the city of no ones
where I stumble by on and on
I took the rotten apple from the casket
when we've going out at night
since the days are much too bright
that flash us until they burn us.
we we hide from our E minored sun and obey to our son
and here I am in the smogey Hoe, staring at the glittering points in our bay
where the pirate anchored us together, on the bottom of the land's End
you are intriguing
you are inspirational,influential and musing.
as the 20th a star was born you must stay IN my life.
as the sea finally blooms out the sunk path that lead thru the castle at the end of the day...
you can rest your head on my shoulder.
because tomorrow I'll be here too
We can just sit by and watch people fade away and radiate
we may reverse this unholy filth... meanwhile people stop and stare at us

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mi semana de la Ciencia...madredede que aburrimiento..esta es la única foto que puedo subir desde aquí. Esa es Maria me hefa de azafatas. ¡Qué pinta llevo!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

