Friday, July 08, 2011

Teoría del valor trabajo

by Cristina Peñarrubia on Monday, 06 June 2011 at 22:53

La fuerza de trabajo, productora de las mercancías, se cambia, se compra y se vende como otra mercancía cualquiera y obedece a las mismas leyes del mercado, sin importar que detrás de ellas hay un hombre. Este hombre es libre en un doble sentido: libre o carente de medios de producción (y por tanto si no vende su trabajo, no sobrevive), pero libre de venderle su fuerza de trabajo al capitalista que él elija de entre los interesados en comprarla. El trabajador asalariado vende su capacidad para trabajar, pero ésta es un capacidad inseparable de la persona y no se puede vender aisladamente; por esto, una vez hecho el contrato entre capitalista y trabajador, éste, su personalidad completa, su cuerpo entero pasa a manos del otro. (Teoría de valor-trabajo)

Ley de hierro de los salarios: el salario se reduce a lo estrictamente necesario que permita al trabajador subsistir y reproducirse. Si el salario sube más de lo estrictamente necesario, la población aumentará y al haber mayor oferta de trabajo, los salarios bajarán. Por el contrario, si los salarios son infeiores a lo estrictamente necesario la población disminuirá, provocando con ello una escasez de mano de obra y por consiguiente un aumento de los salarios. Esta teoría influyó en Marx para afirmar que el obrero nunca disfrutaría de los beneficios del capitalismo.



by Darvo Bonal Quintanilla on Thursday, 07 July 2011 at 11:40

To calm us down, to share the grieve and the pain, to let us go, to let us feel, to hug you, to be your BRO, to those who are about to fall, to all of those I LOVE inmensiously, to die for you, to cry, to protect you from the unnecessity of harm yourself, to cry, to know what is like, to remember this fucking day, to play it loud, to tribute, to those who are not here anymore, to go through this, through you and through life...2 all of you...I simile. LOVE YOU BRO.

My Mildred is lost in Forest. Meine Mildred ist verlorene im Bald.

by Darvo Bonal Quintanilla on Friday, 06 August 2010 at 10:39

The Morning you embrace the pain
the feeling is always the same

The fact of hearing your prayers
has come back in reverse

The tree along your arm
will keep you away from fat harm

The places and tears are gone
will you hit me with some more?

you feel artless and steady
the lower you feel that creepy

The cage in front of the moon
is my jelly prison in my room

Der Morgen umfasst du die Schmerz,
das Herz immer das selbe ist ers

die Tatsache des Hörens Ihrer Gebete
in reverse zurückgekommen ist,

der Baum entlang dein Arm
Du weg vom grossen Schaden warst

Plätze hält und Risse sind tot
Wirst du mich mit mehr schlagen zu voll?

Du fühlst arglistlos und ruhig
Die hunter die gruslig du scheeler Blick

der Rahmen vor dem Mond
mein süss Kerker in meinem Raum

HOOD letter

by Darvo Bonal Quintanilla on Thursday, 12 May 2011 at 00:08

To calm us down, to share the grieve and the pain, to let us go, to let us feel, to hug you, to be your BRO, to those who are about to fall, to all of those I LOVE inmensiously, like you, to die for you, to cry, to protect you from the unnecessity of harm yourself, to cry, to know what is like, to remember this fucking day, to play it loud, to tribute, to those who are not here anymore, to go through this, through you and through life...to all of you...I simile. LOVE YOU BRO.

Cause Monarchy is an ancient tradition to be abolished

Cause Monarchy is an ancient tradition to be abolished

by Darvo Bonal Quintanilla on Friday, 08 July 2011 at 13:49
Your changes have been saved.

The fucking King is dead, the Queen was raped & beheaded,

the Prince ran away, the Princess is still locked up down in the dungeons,

the Infants sent to a mine as slaves, the Dukes were slaughtered by the mass,

the Duchess worked in the asylum until the inmates ran wild and she was tortured,

decapitated and chopped in pieces scattered around the county,

the Countess is believed that is lurking from the shades and turn into a witch,

the Viscount and Viscountess got impaled by the shepherds,

the Marquess and Marchioness were fairly sentenced to the gallows,

the Baron was straight from the pillory where his body was tore apart

by dragged until death by horses while the luck of the Baroness went through stocks, branks and bilboes;

the rest like Lords and Ladies were locked up in the golden tower and the servants set fire on it.

The Marquess and Marchioness were fairly sentenced to the gallows,

the Baron was straight from the pillory where his body was tore apart

by dragged until death by horses while the luck of the Baroness went through stocks,

branks and bilboes; the rest like Lords and Ladies were locked up in the golden tower

and the servants set fire on it,

the Bishop and monks were used as human shields in the Clash against the Ottoman Empire and crusades

...all in the name of God..nobody knows what happened to the closest person to the king,

...the Buffon who is believed to plot the whole royal necessary decline

by their own "engines of punishments"...who laughs last, laugh longer.