Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reckless and alive!

You're always my REMINDER!
Never say No, say maybe!
Never close a door that could be left open
Silverfuck gone, Silverdust lost
Don't be scared of, be excited of
Always hilarious never embittered
crawl, drag, crawl, creep but never be ashamed
Cuz life is your one and only
love yourself and love yours
save up the time to be with yourself
don't crowd your foremind with idle thoughts
be the punkest on the dancefloor
let people think you're crazy, reckless, frantic, ramdon
let the shapes go thinner, don't escape from them
let them wrap you and use them as your anorak

behold the falling snow
corrupting the things you know
and then what for?


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