Saturday, May 30, 2009

United States of Europe

An impossible integration. We think the European integration is an impossible achievement because of the existence of several obstacles and reasons like Fiscal; Trade; physical; geographical barriers that EU cannot completely remove in a short term, without destabilizing members economies. That’s because of the large diversity of politic systems, different economies, and what geographical diversity involves cultural diversity, one of the main problems to integration. Ex. About new members: Turkey is seen as the bridge country to the Arabian countries. The most of Europeans citizens don‘t consider Turkey to be a European country, due to their geographical location and their Muslim population. Turkey never could be a member state due to its geography. Secondly, about the new members there must be said: Economic factors build the highest walls to achieve a geographical unity. Every country with its own jurisdictions, environmental policies, trade laws, fiscal laws, tourism policies, labours conditions make more difficult to merge them all into one single system. Special items which are involved in national economies, and have direct effect on economy have an important role. Even if they tend to merged there will always be the main objective, to unite under the same political system. Talking about Latvia, Poland, Romaine, etc… The nationalities diversity arise another problem, the loss of national identity. No every country is keen on. The economic-geographic diversity arises some problems and effects that make countries reluctant to integration. -The run away companies to settle down in a low taxed or subsided country. -The destabilization of new members survival economies. Ex.:, Latvia which has a large dependence on forest devastation industry, should be obliged to adopt EU’s environment policy. -Countries with a low standard of life find unbearable to compete against stronger countries, and find it impossible to prop up their economy. “The possibility of fracture”, different grades of integration, inequality of treatment. The rules of countries should follow and adopt is just a superficial rule. Newcomers should reach what EU expect them to achieve, but while ones sacrifice strictly their own national rules, others like France and Germany violate the fiscal rules, that stipulate no country can run a deficit budget bigger than 3% of GDP. While this injustice keep happening no integration can be achieved. Other problem to integration is borders, barriers or boundaries are not mainly set for governments. The powerful barriers are rebuilt by people. In France population are reluctant to accept Turkey as a new member of the EU, for culture reasons coming from Turkey’s geographical diversity, bridge country Europe to Arabian world. Netherlands , Theo Van Gogh murder. Turkey’s for Historic and geographical reasons is a Muslim country which should start to adopt occidental political system, and occidental human rights, for example Women rights as men rights. Anyway Turkey is refusing to become a member because is on war with Cyprus!


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